

Regime da prisão preventiva na Noruega

Como algumas notícias - como
esta - não esclarecem, devidamente, o regime da prisão preventiva na Noruega, a propósito do caso Anders Behring Breivik, transcrevo, de seguida, o teor da norma do Código de Processo Penal Noruguês (versão em língua inglesa) sobre esta matéria.

Da sua leitura resulta que o período de prisão preventiva é reavaliado, em regra, de quatro em quatro semanas, mas não tem limite máximo fixado, o qual é definido, caso a caso, por critérios de razoabilidade:

"§ 185. If the court decides to remand the person charged in custody, it shall at the same time fix a specific time-limit for such custody if the main hearing has not already begun. The time-limit shall be as short as possible and must not exceed four weeks. It may be extended by order by up to four weeks at a time. If the nature of the investigation or other special circumstances indicate that a review of the order after four weeks will be pointless, the court may fix a longer time-limit. If the main hearing has begun when the person charged is remanded in custody or when the time-limit for the custody expires, the person charged may be kept in custody until judgement is delivered.

If an application for extended custody is made, the prosecuting authority shall state when the investigation in the case is expected to be completed. The date shall be entered in the court record.

The person charged is entitled to be present in court when the question of an extension of the time-limit for custody is dealt with. If the court finds it necessary, the person charged shall be brought before it even though he does not wish to attend.

The prosecuting authority shall submit an application for extension early enough for the person charged and his defence counsel to be notified not later than the day before the court sitting is held. The prosecuting authority shall notify the parties of the sitting within the said time-limit. The prosecuting authority should attend unless it is deemed unnecessary to do so under the circumstances.

If the court at any time finds that the investigation is not proceeding as quickly as it should, and that a continued remand in custody is not reasonable, the court shall release the person charged (...)"

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